Second week of self-employment
It’s been over a full week of self-employment and it’s been nice trying to figure out my schedule. I have painted every weekday and I am leaving my weekends open with not much scheduling.
What I’m working on
I painted six paintings so far, which are all mostly done. I have to remind myself that done is better than perfect and not constantly touch up/fix tiny things that I notice each time I look at the paintings. All six paintings have a misty/foggy atmosphere.
I’ve been thinking about painting oceanscapes with more color, which maybe will be the counterparts to the six paintings I already have.
I’m still reading The Practice by Seth Godin and The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. I find them motivating and they’re helping me think about how I want to structure my days/weeks.
I’m still listening to Radical Candor by Kim Scott on audiobook
I didn’t really do much in terms of outings/outputs this past week. Last week was mostly painting whatever I felt like and a lot of hanging out at home and resting.
Turning back to the five projects that I had set for myself this month (1. Paint “Sand, Sea, and Sky” collection, 2. Plan and apply to 2022 fairs/events, 3. Plan and apply to 2023 fairs/events, 4. Write weekly blog, 5. Post on Instagram two times a week), I feel like I did a decent job addressing them. I decided not to do 1 and not let it haunt me. I started thinking about 2; I’ll do more research today to see if there are any events remaining this year that would be a good fit for me to apply. 3 can be part of next month’s goals. 4 I’ve been successfully accomplishing, I think it may be almost a habit. 5 I’ve also been successfully accomplishing but it’s less of a habit, so it’s going to stay on my project list for a while.
It’s also almost time to plan out my next quarter of projects since I only planned out the months in quarter three. I think this system is working for me decently well. Some initial thoughts include figuring out getting photographs and prints done for my recent paintings. I’m spending most of October traveling, and I’m thinking I’ll work on watercolor paintings since those are easy to travel around with.